
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Faculty of Economics

English-taught Programmes

The Undergraduate Degree Programme in Economics and Management prides itself on the quality of its academic staff, its rigorous approach to teaching and learning and the comprehensive range of programmes it offers. The Faculty reflects a view of economics as being at service to all, and this has always been evident from its teaching and research in its long tradition.

This two-year Graduate Degree Programme in Management is designed for students aiming towards playing an active role in managerial processes typically found in global companies.

The Faculty of Economics together with the Faculty of Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences offers its learning, organisational, and research resources for the launch of this interfaculty Graduate Degree.

The programme is structured in two curricula:

  • Actuarial sciences for insurance;
  • Data analytics for business and economics.

Meet the Faculty

The Faculty, established in 1947, belongs to the group of best Italian and European Faculties adjudicated on the quality and depth of provision across all subjects, the comprehensiveness of the syllabuses and the close inter-relationship between research and teaching that enables staff of a high academic excellence to teach the findings that emerge from the research and, consequentially, to guarantee the highest levels of knowledge, learning and competence. The vision of the economy taught and practiced in this Faculty embraces starting the research from the specific and reaching the general in stages: from the person to family units, regional areas and national contexts up to a broad international perspective.