
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Faculty of Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences

Training courses and Visiting professors

In the context of a growing internationalisation, in the 2017/18 academic year the Faculty will see the presence of the following visiting professors:

prof. Alan Agresti, University of Florida; prof. Jens-Hinrich Binder, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen; prof. Andy Naranjo, University of Florida; prof. Elena Pesavento, Emory University Atlanta; prof. Lukas Roth, Alberta School of Business

Study abroad and exchanges

The international programmes for the students of the Faculty:

  • Language courses - LaTE
  • Summer Programmes - FPA
  • Exchange - ISEP
  • Study Abroad / Premier Scholars Programme
  • International Thesis Scholarship
  • Internships/work abroad

Thanks to the international partnership with University of North Carolina at Charlotte, graduate students of the Faculty can obtain, at the end of their course of study, the Dual Degree in:

  • Graduate Degree in Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences
  • Graduate Degree in Mathematical Finance.

The partnership with the Cass Business School will allow the students of the Graduate Degree Programmes in Banking and Finance (B&F) and Economics of Markets and Financial Intermediaries to achieve the dual degree in:

  • Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences
  • Finance (B&F o EMIF) or Corporate Finance (B&F) or Banking and International Finance (B&F)

Thanks to the international partnership with Fordham University, graduate students of Banking and finance and Economics of Markets and Financial Intermediaries can obtain, at the end of their course of course of study, the Dual Degree in:

  • Graduate Degree in Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences;
  • Graduate Degree in Global Finance.


Faculty | Placement

The Faculty has established the “Faculty-Placement” Board in order to strengthen its links with companies and supervisory authorities. The board comprises prominent figures from the Italian financial community (CEOs and HR Managers)

Agreements and memberships

AIAF membership

Graduates in Economics of Markets and Financial Intermediaries and in Banking and Finance (Graduate Degrees) will be admitted as ordinary AIAF members free of charge for the first year and with a reduced fee for the next three.

CFA Institute membership

The CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute has accredited the Graduate Degrees in Banking and Finance and Economics of Markets and Financial Intermediaries. Thanks to the agreement, these degrees will be part of the affiliation programme awarded to Universities that provide courses meeting quality requirements in the area of investment management.
Bando | from Corriere della sera

Framework agreement with the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan

The Faculty Board of Banking, Financial and Insurance Sciences approved an agreement with the Milan Council of the Association of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts.