Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Campus di Milano

The Digitized Landscapes of Google. From images’ environment to perceptive coexistences Media and performances contemporary debates and emerging issues - Cycle of Lectures


Ore: 14:30

Largo A. Gemelli, 1, Milano

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Cycle of Lectures

March 25th, 3 P.M. - Trond LUNDEMO, Stockholm University
Nuclear Radiation and the Inscription of the Invisible

April 4th, 9.30 A.M. - Fausto COLOMBO, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Media, politica e le tematiche della verità: una rilettura foucaultiana

April 19th, 10.30 A.M. - Thomas LUNDTOFTE, University of Southern Denmark
Platformisation of Compulsory Education in Denmark: Results from a mixed-methods study of teachers and pupils

May 4th, 2.30 P.M. - Carlos SCOLARI, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona
Dalla Media Ecology alla Media Evolution

May 19th, 2.30 P.M. - Andrea BERNARDELLI, Università degli Studi di Perugia
Cattivi seriali. I personaggi antieroici nelle produzioni televisive contemporanee

May 31st, 2.30 P.M., Pauline CHASSERAY-PERALDI, CELSA Sorbonne Université
The Digitized Landscapes of Google. From images’ environment to perceptive coexistences

June 10th, Jeffrey PUFAHL, University of Florida
Creativity and Community: frameworks for creating and evaluating art in health projects in community settings

Microsoft Teams Platform

Email: dip.scienzecom@unicatt.it

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