Job & Career: start building your personal path now! In collaboration with the MScM Career Advisors
Aula: Modalità a distanza - Ore: 17.45
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It is easy to get caught in the flux of lessons, group projects, assignments and exams and forget that your university path is the time to lay foundation for your career.
Seize the moment during a special online session for first-year students of the MScM with the Career Advisors to focus on what it means to approach the working world.
Join us online on the Community Space of the MScM.
5.45 – 6.00 PM Welcome & Introduction
6.00 – 6.15 PM Why now? Seizing the opportunity to build YOUR career path timely
6.15 – 6.50 PM Key messages from the Career Advisors: “You are entering the working world. Expectations and reality, approaches and supports”
6.50 – 7.00 PM Peer testimony: a student’s story
7.00 – 7.15 PM Q&A
Participation is reserved to students enrolled in Master of Science in Management – English programme.
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Referente Informazioni: Stage & Placement
Recapito telefonico: 02.72348500
Organizzato da: Comitato Università Mondo del Lavoro