Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Campus di Milano

Investing and re-investing oil revenues during the 20th Century The roles of banks, countries, institutions and multinationals


Ore: 2.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. (Italian Time). The start time is Central Europe Time CET-Rome

Microsoft Teams Platform

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H. 14.30 CET – Rome
Institutional greetings
Gianpiero FUMI, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

H. 14.35
Andrea COLLI, Università Bocconi, Milan

H. 14.50

Ilaria SUFFIA, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Oil multinationals facing with market changes: the case of Eni since the 1950s

Simone SELVA, University of Naples “L’Orientale”
Eurodollar markets and Corporations in the making of financial globalisation: the early mechanics of capital supply and borrowing from Bretton Woods through the 1970s oil crises

Espen STORLI, Pål THONSTAD SANDVIK, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Creating monopoly profits: large oil companies and the Scandinavian markets in the 1930s

Alain BELTRAN, Université Paris, Sorbonne
Between two worlds: State, banks and the first years of French oil companies (1920’s-1970’s)

Carlo Edoardo ALTAMURA, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Friends in High Places: Aid From Opec Countries after the First Oil Crisis

Gregory BREW, Yale University
Paying for the ‘Great Civilization:’ the Shah’s Petro-Economy and the Iranian Developmental State, 1961-1973

David TALLON, University of Reading
Oil Investment Dilemmas in Nigeria and the ‘Model Colonial Contract’

Silvana BARTOLETTO, University of Naples Parthenope
Roberto RICCIUTI, University of Verona Oil profits and global geopolitics in North African Countries

Philippe TRISTANI, Université Paris, Sorbonne
Increase Iraq’s oil revenues: the fight against the Iraq Petroleum Company for the economic and social development of the country (1960’s-1970’s)

Josh BANERJEE, London School of Economics
Black Gold, or Fool’s Gold? North Sea Oil, the Real Exchange Rate, and the Fortunes of British Manufacturing

H. 16.45
Neil FORBES, Coventry University

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For information:
Dipartimento di Storia dell’economia, della società e di Scienze del Territorio “Mario Romani”
Tel. +39 02 7234 2278 - 2378 – dip.storiaeconomia@unicatt.it
Tel. +39 02 7234 4480 Dott.ssa Ilaria Suffia - ilaria.suffia@unicatt.it

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